Interpreters Bridge the Educational Gap for International Students


In a world where global mobility is becoming increasingly prevalent, the need for skilled interpreters to bridge the educational gap between international students and the host country’s language is greater than ever before. Interpreters are essential in helping students succeed in their academic endeavors by providing them with access to a world of knowledge and opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach.

From a school perspective, the presence of a language specialist also makes the process of teaching that much easier. Faculty knows that every student can follow the lecture or take part in a group project. Thus, interpreters benefit the entire educational system as a whole and bring that global mobility closer to realization than ever before.


Direct Help with Language Understanding

The most obvious benefit of interpretation in an educational setting is simple understanding of coursework, lectures, and more. The university community has only grown more diverse in the past decade and promises to continue down this path of globalization. As more people from diverse backgrounds come together in classrooms, interpreters make sure everyone can understand each other. It is obvious that any student who cannot understand the language will not be able to glean all they can from their classes.


Bridging the Gap with Cultural Context

Interpreters provide important cultural context for both educational and social interactions. Even the most erudite professor will inject colloquialisms and local flavor into their lessons and demonstrations. The best interpreters have a strong working knowledge of local language differences and how certain words or phrases are used specifically in that location. They can help students and faculty alike navigate the complexities.


Foster Inclusiveness in Groups

Many classes, projects, and other educational pursuits require close work with a group of fellow students, mentors, or faculty.  Interpreters help to support international students fit into every situation simply by introducing greater understanding. This helps make the school a more welcoming environment. It enables them to participate fully in classroom exchanges, school events, and even social interactions. These things not only make learning easier and help students get better grades, they also provide one of the most important things in advanced education: the opportunity to network. International students can share their ideas, form quality relationships, and increase future options without language barriers getting in the way.


Supporting Local Language Acquisition

While an interpreter is not a language teacher or study partner, they can help advanced students understand the nuances better. This comes in the form of clarifications and explanations for difficult vocabulary, grammar, and concepts. Chances are that a foreign student will already have a relatively functional grasp of the local language or they would not attend a university or educational program in that country. However, interpretation services can augment their studies in ways that make additional acquisition smoother.

With an increasingly global economy and promotion and acceptance of greater diversity across markets, it makes sense that more international students take advantage of foreign universities and other educational opportunities. Unfortunately, without a professional interpreter service specialist at their side, there is no way for them to benefit fully. The best interpretation experts understand more than language. They combine cultural context, social aspects, and a fervent desire to foster better communication into their work.



Atlantic Interpreters