How Interpretation Works for Zoom Calls and Other Virtual Meetings


If you have ever participated in a Zoom call or other virtual meeting that included people from different countries that speak different languages, you may have wondered how the interpretations worked. How does the conversation get interpreted so everyone can understand each other? When someone starts speaking in a language that is not the default language for the meeting, someone needs to handle a clear and accurate interpretation of every word.

This process works smoothly thanks to the hard work of skilled interpreters. They work hard to ensure that all interpretations are accurate and meaningful, so that everyone can participate in meetings without any communication barriers.


The Growing Need for Online Interpretation Services

Between the disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic and the ever-increasing availability of high-speed internet and virtual spaces, remote work and telecommuting will continue to increase. By the end of 2022, 25% of all office jobs in the United States will be at least partially remote. Despite the relatively independent work processes, these people still need to communicate with coworkers and leaders on a regular basis.

More importantly for the language service industry, an increasing number of employees, outsourced talent, and business associates come from beyond the borders of the company’s home country. Global commerce continues to expand, which means professionals need help communicating clearly with other people.


Functional Aspects of Zoom Interpretation

Virtual remote interpretation is a relatively new service that allows for interpreters to work remotely with clients and colleagues through video conferencing software. The technology used for the process has many benefits, including reducing the need for in-person interpreters, increasing accessibility to interpretation services, and improving communication between people who speak different languages.

One of the most popular remote communication and meeting platforms is Zoom, which offers a variety of features that make it an ideal solution for businesses and organizations looking to improve communication with their multilingual audiences. Of course, reliance on tech depends largely on the platform and system that accompany or individual chooses to use. Some organizations have their own virtual communication setups that do not use publicly available systems. That is a matter to figure out among the people showing up for the meeting.

While there are on-board systems that can help, the real benefit comes from getting a live person with knowledge of both languages to interpret smoothly. Whether you are simply checking up on the progress of an outsourced project or negotiating a high-cost corporate account, everyone involved needs to know exactly what is being said and the intention behind it.

Today, many businesses use online video conferencing platforms or virtual calls to talk with their customers and clients. This is a great way to save money on travel costs, but it can be difficult for those who do not speak English or the primary language in the company’s home country. Communication can break down quickly without the help of a professional interpreter.

Interpreters can help you by interpreting the conversation between you and your customer, contractors, stakeholders, or potential hires. In today’s increasingly global economy, you cannot ignore the need for human interpreter services on call.



Atlantic Interpreters